BOOST OST Participant Profile: Judge Selena N. Solis
Area of OST Focus: Non-school sports programs and organized Girl Scouts program

I have always been the kind of person who enjoyed the outdoors. Even at an early age, I was always looking for a way to get out of the house so I could connect and play with my friends, while staying out of trouble, of course! I didn’t realize it then, but these experiences and relationships all helped shape the person I am today.
Sports were really important to me as a young person. I joined city-sponsored softball and swimming teams and participated in community sports leagues for many years. My coaches became some of my favorite role models. They taught me things about life and about myself that went way beyond hitting a ball or swimming. I learned how to be part of a team and how to handle both winning and losing. I think that is where I developed my tenacity to solve problems, embrace challenges, and live outside of my comfort zone – all qualities I still use today as a judge.
I was also a member of the Girl Scouts, which gave me the chance to make friends and participate in different outdoor activities. Some of my favorite memories are the times our troop would go camping, which invariably also involved learning how to make and use new tools. These experiences gave me the confidence and encouragement to try new things and explore activities that I would not have otherwise tried. Things I think every girl should have the opportunity to develop as they grow up.
Today, I am happy to share my Girl Scouts experience with my daughter. Starting as a Daisy, she’s now a teenager and still involved in the program. As a parent, I feel it is important for my daughter to have her own independent experiences, be challenged, and get to know people who come from different backgrounds and have different interests.
“The saying goes that It takes a village to raise a child, and these afterschool programs are the village. I think all parents should get their children involved in community activities to encourage them to try new things and pursue new interests.” – Judge Selena N. Solis, 243rd District Court