BOOST Program
Quality Improvement
Self-Assessment Tool
The purpose of the Healthy Kids Program Quality Improvement Self-Assessment Tools is to gauge your program’s ability to integrate the positive youth development (PYD) approach. Out-of-school time (OST) programs that integrate a PYD approach are better positioned to cultivate positive outcomes for children and youth and sustain their programs in the long-term.
We have a created a couple of tools to best support you, one is intended for the program provider (staff) to answer, generally a person that is directly working with youth. The second, is an instrument to have your program participants (youth) answer, in order to have their perspective of your program. Both tools are intended to be used simultaneously to have a better overall perspective of your program and potential improvements that can be made.
All OST programs across the region are invited to use these instruments. Results/reports will be available for each organization. Programs are encouraged to use the results to inform decisions related to program improvement, strategic planning, and program monitoring. The United Way of El Paso County is available to provide technical assistance if needed.
These assessments were developed by United Way of El Paso County, in collaboration with the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, and Helix Solutions. If you have any questions about the content of the assessments or need technical assistance related to these tools, please contact Enrique Garcia at egarcia@unitedwayelpaso.org.
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation may support one or more of your OST programs. Please be aware that your results of these assessments will not affect current or future funding opportunities. Results of all assessments will be shared with the United Way of El Paso County and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation to inform capacity building and technical assistance opportunities and inform strategic planning for the BOOST Network and Healthy Kids Initiative.
For more information, please contact Enrique Garcia at egarcia@unitedwayelpaso.org.